Friday, September 29, 2006

Tango action

Sept. 24
Milongueras, Milongueros,

To the dozens that joined this mailinglist last night and the last few days, welcome! We shall try to update you on what we do. To unsubscribe, just reply to this message, or to

All information can be found at our website: - if you click on "Memorial", "Royer", "Hayes Hall", you will get a map.

For photos from the last minutes of our first Openair Memorial Milonga last night click on "Photos1" on left column, to get:
To post photos you took, mail them to me.

To accomodate the number of students, starting next SUNDAY, Oct. 1, we start a NEW Beginners class, at ROYER (Middle Room, until North Room is renovated):
6pm: BEGINNERS lesson with LUCIA and Yuval,
7pm: Practica, SUNDAYS

Our attempt will be to prepare as many of you as we can, and as well as we can, for a major event Nov. 3

SATURDAYS we continue with two different classes at the MEMORIAL Room of the OHIO UNION:
7:30pm BEGINNERS I with LUCIA and Yuval,
8:30pm BEGINNERS II with LUCIA and Yuval,
10:00pm MILONGA
We shall continue on two parallel tracks teaching different things in each class, about same level.
Our emphasize will be how to do things well so that you can practice your dance from very early on.
We are Milonga (=party) oriented, or Salon Style.

Prices: Students: $10 for 4 lessons, or $3 per one; nonstudents: twice that. Nonstudents are highly welcome, but we give a break to students.

FRIDAYS ROBERT continues his NUEVO TANGO lessons at HAYES HALL. Please note that ROBERT's lessons are now at 7:00pm, followed by a Practica at 8pm. You can learn from Robert a completely different style. Personally I am for plurality. Try it out!
Prices: Students 8x$5 for 8 lessons, $7 per one; nonstudents: 8x$7 and $10.

And don't forget, every Saturday, 10pm, we have a free Milonga at Memorial,

see you on the dance floor!

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